Friday, March 16, 2007

Finally- good news

Well, it turns out that UCLA has decided to agree with my doctors both in diagnosis and treatment. Thank God. That information gathering thing stunk, but as long as I can get back on track it is all good. ( my mom considers that term "all good" as being code for everything is going to hell in a hand basket), but in this case it means things are back on course and phase 3 will offifically begin next week. Thank goodness


Anonymous said...


I'm glad that treatment will start next week. I'm sorry that it was a frustrating time.
I also thought I'd wish you a happy St. Pat's day!!!
I'm not sure how you plan to celebrate, but I remember us having good times, so I will drink to you today my friend.


Anonymous said...

YEAH! Again, who would ever have thought that starting radiation would be something to cheer over, but I guess in some demented world, this could be a positive spin?