Thursday, June 11, 2009

Destination: The Far East

I've done my share of travelling. I've done my share of medical volunteer work, locally and abroad. I've been to Nicaragua several times and had to cancel a trip when I got sick. Ever since then, I've been searching for opportunitites to get back in touch with that side of me that is fueled by being involved in something so much bigger than yourself. I have had many opportunities presented to me over the last year, but for one reason or another none worked out. However, a few weeks ago I was contacted to join CHLA's trip to Mongolia as they wanted to focus on some more maternal- fetal- neonatal health issues this trip. The trip works with my schedule, works with my plans and so I'm in. Plane tickets are reserved and will be paid for by the end of the day. I've never been to Asia, I'm a little nervous, but I'm really excited.

One of the big issues with this kind of work is to find a way to make sustainable differences in the healthcare in developing nations.  This is a huge topic and used to be a source of much dialogue amongst the Nicaraguan group.  Certainly they need supplies, but also standards and education.  The thing I really like about the approach of the CHLA Mongolia mission is their appreciation of those issues and the dedication to going there in order to provide not only education and support during the time that we are there, but also working with the health ministry to establish some standards for continuing education for physicians in Mongolia. Also, there is some effort being spent on extablishing internet based education and support materials for the doctors and nurses there.  I had lunch with the organizers yesterday, and got quite excited about what they're doing.  So now I'm trying to convince a few others to join me. Either way it is a great opportunity.

After spending a little over a week in Mongolia, I am going to continue on to Bali for some vacation while I am on the other side of the world.  I can't wait.  More to follow...


Kathleen said...

I really think that this is terrific. My heart and prayers go with you.

Anonymous said...

WOW! This great Lisa. I am so glad you are doing these things again. Asia is wonderful. Enjoy yourself.
